earth day also coincides with my reading of in defense of food by michael pollan. what i'm grasping the most with his writings is that everything is over-complicated. we're thinking too much about what we're eating and then eating food-like substances (ie. low-fat, low-carb, vitamin added, processed, etc.) that are themselves insanely complicated and the furthest thing from what we should truly be eating. we must take steps backwards from the distance we have put between ourselves and our mum, the earth.
so this earth day,
think of the simple yet extraordinary things that matter throughout our existence...
the people we love,

consideration for awesome the beauty and magic which surrounds us,

soft bed sheets and the sound of frogs and crickets at night just outside the window,

our time spent with this lady is a blessing...
What a wonderful post! Fresh vegetables, soft sheets, and dangling toes are most respectful to mum.