Boy oh boy am I every excited about this one folks! This is one of those things that happens every so often in the Land of Internet that perfectly demonstrates why I love social media and it combines two of my favourite things! Snail Mail and Geekery!
Emily Farqueharson and Darling Stewie founded the International Geek Girls Pen Pal Club. Any ladies over the age of thirteen can take part. When signing-up, you indicate what your top five geek loves (are you a Whovian? a Trekkie? a lover of all things Sailor Moon? or maybe the Lord of the Rings is more your thing), then Farqueharson and Darling Stewie will match you up with a fellow Lady Geek and you will both exchange post! I believe there's a geek in all of us - the fun and imaginative part of us.
There's also good news and bad news - this is the project's first run, so unfortunately a limit of 1,000 people had to be set and it's been met. The limit of 1,000 people was reached within a mere 3 days - 9 days before the sign-up limit date of April 1st! Fantastic!! And if you didn't manage to sign-up this time, despair not! They are going to do it again!
And who says regular post is dead? In my experience, a great deal of people still love receiving "real" mail from their friends and family. I know I keep a box of my correspondence and value it as much as any other treasures. Whenever I've lived (as I do now) in a province away from my family, my mother's always sent me a letter every week or so and it's special in a way that's different to phone calls, text messages or emails. I've also exchange post cards with fellow Tweeps, and just the other day a good friend of mine sent me a text message saying, "I've just sent you a letter - I'm feeling Jane Austen-y."
So there you go! Make sure to sign up on the second round of the International Geek Girls Pen Pal Club if you can and have fun!
Us girls have to stick together ;)
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